We specialise in Business Change.

Delivering change without the drama. Living in a world of continual disruption, we need to respond pragmatically. With compassion and agility. And, without a heroic, high-risk, ‘big bang’ approach.

We specialise in Digital.

Giving you the power to transform user experience and service delivery

Disrupt your digital strategy

We specialise in Service Design.

Building services around the humans that use them

Design better services

We specialise in Agile.

Supporting you in your Agile transformation, large or small

Deliver change without the drama

We specialise in Business Support Programmes.

We deliver personalised and impactful support programmes - driving businesses to develop and grow.

Drive profitable growth

Culture Capture.

Unmasking the culture of your organisation

“Living in a world of continual disruption, we need to respond pragmatically and with compassion and agility.” We wrote these words when we started AAB Consulting six years ago and they have never been more relevant for us. We work with amazing clients who are encouraging us to help them with their changing environments. Accelerating new ways of working and introducing new tools and digital solutions. Building capabilities to enable client teams to work more productively in a hybrid environment. Creating communities to share good practice and support the wellbeing of teams. Speak to us about how we can support you.

We helpclients with big ambitions and even bigger challenges.

We work with a huge variety of clients across the UK in a multitude of sectors, including professional services, manufacturing, food & drink, public sector and health & social care.

The work we do

driven insight

Everything is getting faster and more complex. Read the opinions and ponderings of our experts on this uncertain world.

Passion led us here. Meet the team

Get in touch

Looking to grow or adapt? Have a business challenge? Get in touch to find out how we can help.

Contact us