Revenue Scotland | Agile, Service Design | Public Sector


Revenue Scotland faced a daunting task - replacing its core IT system and refining business processes, all while working within a tight timeline and a complex supplier environment. To realise this, they were looking for a partner to introduce fresh and creative way to enable change at pace.


Over eight intensive months, we worked side-by-side with Revenue Scotland team members, digging into what really mattered to them and what their users needed. We outlined a strategic programme vision and a clear roadmap for all the activities ahead, as well as introducing Agile tools & techniques through hands-on coaching and training sessions.


  • Seamless transition - We helped Revenue Scotland to smoothly transition from procurement to the delivery phase, keeping disruption at a minimum.
  • Improved teamwork - With new and enhanced Agile skills, Revenue Scotland team members were more confident when working with the new technology supplier.
  • Strategic alignment - We made sure everyone was on the same page, aligning their new and clear vision and roadmap with business goals and technology.
  • Agile efficiency - Using Agile ways of working, we improved and streamlined day-to-day operations.

“There is no doubt in my mind that involving AAB in our programme when we did has been critical in ensuring we are on course to implement a new ICT platform with modernised processes for the devolved taxes against a hard deadline.” - Andrew Fleming, Change and Corporate Services Director, Revenue Scotland at the time of the project

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