Highlands and Islands Enterprise | Business Change | Economic Development


Highlands and Islands Enterprise wanted to help young entrepreneurs to boost the growth of their businesses, but at this point in time, such personalised support wasn’t available as traditional approaches were mostly aimed towards more established business leaders.


We developed and ran the IMPACT30 program, changing how young entrepreneurs are supported across the Highlands and Islands. Through Agile ways of working, we delivered personalised support tailored through webinars, workshops, and coaching, empowering participants to achieve their personal growth objectives.


  • Empowered Entrepreneurs - We supported nearly 100 businesses, which contributed to the launch of 16 new products/services, 79% increase in regional jobs, and a 371% increase in aggregate turnover.
  • Tailored Support - With our support framework we helped individuals to learn, to grow their skills, and to change their game, all based on their unique situations and regional challenges and opportunities.
  • Thriving Community - We established a dynamic community for the IMPACT30 business owners to support each other and to find opportunities to collaborate and sell together.
  • Responsive Service - Using Agile ways of working we ensured that everyone received exactly the type and level of support they needed.

Get in touch

Looking to grow or adapt? Have a business challenge? Get in touch to find out how we can help.

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