Supporting the challenge of change and transformation.

No industry is untouched by disruption. But how do you make sure you're not swamped by it? How do you make sure you make the best use of value you have, delivering change positively?

We help organisations succeed in an increasingly unpredictable world. We know how tough it is. 

Sometimes it's about responding to the pace of technology. Often it's about building brand new organisations inside existing ones.  It might even be about creating entirely new businesses.

There is no well-trodden path for transformation. Any route will be challenging and unique, so better to go on this new journey together with committed and involved partners. The ambition of transformation is bold, but often big ambitions drown out the everyday issues that create obstacles on the way. Most change and transformation programme fail or produce middling results, because the human at the heart of change has been lost along the way.  

We believe in a few key mantras in ensuring success:

Start small and don't set out to 'build the Death Star'.

A clear vision and ambition are important is directing the way, but if you set out to deliver complex programme of change and high cost transformation programme over an extended period of time, based on 'big bang' deployment, there will be a high risk of failure.  Instead, we can support you to deliver incrementally, in short, fast iterations.  This means that you'll learn quickly (and fail fast); build stakeholder engagement, increase the demand for transformation as you go; and adjust to change and uncertainty as it (inevitably) arises.

Work with subject matter experts and build capability as you go.

Transformation requires skills in service design, data and agile delivery. Yes, bring in specialist external advice and support, when it is needed, but we'll help you by training, coaching and guiding your change team members, and your broader workforce to make the new ways stick.

Agree on a single, consistent set of standards.

 The gap between traditional and leading-edge approaches to business, physical space, ways of working and technology are increasing. Within this maelstrom there is a danger in divergence. We help with convergence and compliance. For user experiences, process approaches, information governance and technology standards, the principles and the practice should be clear for all to follow.

Be prepared to flex and adapt.

 Constraints might be predictable, but they often prove difficult and time-consuming to navigate. We'll support you by identifying where the barriers are and building flexibility into the approach and schedule, delivering momentum and allowing you to move forward with elements of the transformation programme that you are able to control.

Our team can set up and help sustain an environment where the necessary bold decisions can be made, turning opportunity into reality. 

Get in touch

Looking to grow or adapt? Have a business challenge? Get in touch to find out how we can help.

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