Our third birthday

Well, here we are celebrating our third business birthday and our second under Covid restrictions. When we wrote about AAB Consulting’s second birthday last May, we never imagined that our third birthday would see us pretty much in the same place! Indeed, we could simply have copied last year’s post and replaced the 2 with a 3 but that is not our style.

Our third birthday is a milestone that should be celebrated; albeit still at a distance from our team members, clients and supporters. It is estimated that 60% of businesses fail within the first 3 years. Thankfully, due to our amazing team, our fab clients and partners, we have not just survived but we are thriving. We are acutely aware that this isn’t the case for all businesses; particularly post-Covid, and we are grateful every day to those who put their trust in our capabilities to help them think about, prepare for, and deliver change. Thank you to everyone.

As we look ahead, we are hoping to see a bit of change over the coming weeks and months with a gradual easing back into a world that will feel more familiar, seeing businesses open up and hugging family and friends (and maybe even some clients 😊). We are really looking forward to getting together to celebrate in person when it is safe to do so.

Happy 3rd birthday to us.

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