Organisational Agility Blog 2: Planning - If only we have a crystal ball

Whatever strategic and operational plan you had in place pre pandemic is likely to be in need of an upgrade. Whatever contingency plan you had to survive or grow through the pandemic is likely to be out of date soon too. As the speed of change continues to increase most plans we have will be short lived.

Planning and replanning however is not a bad thing, it is actually just good business. Those in the past who stuck rigidly to a well thought out plan as the world around them changed might have survived. However ths was probably just due to luck or reputation, not by design.

Ask yourself, ‘how well is your plan standing up?’

Are your customer insights still valid? Is your BaU operation still possible, and can it be flexed easily to cope with future change? Is your supply chain solid and flexible?

If your answer to any of these is ‘I’m not sure’, then you might want to build some agility into your planning routine.

Agility in your planning routine

If you want to remain agile and continually respond to your changing circumstances we suggest you shorten your planning cycle and continually challenge yourself that you are targeting resources in the right direction at the right time.

We suggest you continually challenge everything you thought you knew about your customers, your suppliers and indeed your teams. Their world is likely to have changed and they may view you differently as a supplier, customer, or employer. Do not assume anything.

If you have any questions regarding the topics in this blog, please contact Mark Bell.

You can read the next blog in the series here

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